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Wednesday 4 November 2015

Stir-fry Recipes Pare Scrambled Eggs

Resep Hari Ini, Tumis Pare Campur Telur. Selamat pagi bunda, sudah ada ide buat menu masakan hari ini? Kalo belum, coba masak tumis pare aja yuk..?! Kebetulan baru aja mimin selesai masak pare, dan ditumis dengan campuran cabai yang sedikit lebih berani dari biasanya.. hehe

Tumis Pare Telur

This recipe is obtained from my friend Marisa Princess A of cookped, and mimin practice .. The result was satisfactory, and now mimin share in this recipe blog. Like this recipe:Materials and Seasoning 3 pare medium size (halved lengthwise, cored sliced ​​thin) 4 eggs (fried scrambled) 8 shallots 4 cloves garlic 3 pieces of green chilies large 5 pieces of curly red chili 2 pieces cayenne Red 1 segment lemongrass (geprek) 1 bay leaf salt to taste sugar to taste flavoring to taste 1/2 tomatoesStep How to Cook it: Iris seasoning of garlic, onion, red chili, red chili keriring, green peppers, and tomatoes. Heat cooking oil, seasoning sliced ​​input, salam and galangal. Saute until wilted and fragrant spices. If so, enter sliced ​​green chilies, cayenne pepper, and red pepper curls along with a slice of tomato. kenbali saute until wilted. After that add water 250ml kira2. Add salt, sugar, and flavorings (If you prefer). Next enter pare washed in thin slices. a little water and cook until it dries. When the water has left a bit, input scrambled eggs. cook until the water runs out. Remove and serve for breakfast menu this morning ...

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