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Thursday 12 November 2015


Basil is one of the plants that are used as vegetables. The plant is also very easy to grow in tropical regions like Indonesia. So do not need to bother to cultivate this basil plant.

Before planting basil, of course, must be clarified for the purpose of planting basil whether agricultural capacity / sale or only for family consumption only. If for the needs of the sales would be very require more effort in order basil produced more fresh and fertile. Basil plant itself can be planted by seed or by stem. However, that is often done is to plant basil from seed.

Planting basil for agriculture
Basil cultivation for agricultural capacity with commercial purposes would need large area, but if the land is owned by only modest do not matter because it did not affect the fertility of the basil plant. Here are the steps in planting basil:

Land preparation
    Land to be planted basil crumble should be done by using a hoe.
    Digemburkan land that has been formed into ridges (moor) with a size of 1 meter width and length tailored to the needs.
    Having already established moor land, spread manure or compost evenly. Stir again using a hoe so that the manure to the soil layer below.
    Let the planting of land that has been prepared for 2-3hari, it is to restore nutrients after the crumble (so that his condition is stable).

Preparation Seed

Basil seeds can be obtained from the flowers of basil on aged characterized by discolored brown and dried. Take a few sprigs of basil dried flowers and basking back in the sun with a given base or container. After the beans are considered dry, remove from heat and let stand in an area that is not hot (winds).

Planting Seeds
The seed that had been prepared earlier planted by sprinkling basil seeds evenly in the prepared soil. Once the seal with a thin soil on top evenly. Do watering in the morning and afternoon. Do not use the watering too tight, because it can damage the areas under cultivation and make basil seeds bouncing crash into the water.

Basil plant care
Basil plant will grow within 5-7 days of planting, keep doing the watering in the morning and afternoon. When in the sense of all the seeds have grown, the next step is weeding. Move the basil plant is too close to the visible tenuous. This should be done while still a small basil plant (leaves 4 -5 strands).

Cleaning the planting area of grass bullies should also be made, in order basil can thrive. In addition, note the basil leaves, wash the basil from interference caterpillars and other pests. Do not use pesticides because it is not good if the leaves are consumed.

Harvesting Basil
Harvesting can dialkukan if the basil has been deemed high enough, do the cutting with scissors or a knife above the first two leaves. This is certainly intended that could basil shoots back and produce new buds.

Wash the basil leaves that have been harvested with clean water prior to bonding for sale.

Basil plants can also be cultivated in pots or polybags, do almost the same with other vegetable crops such as chilli in polybag. Then to the basil plant is used as a family komnsumsi certainly more simple in the plant. We just specify an empty location on our home page, and then sow the seeds of basil earlier. Basil seeds will grow by itself.

That's some way to plant basil basil plant and how to care for, it is very easy not. Hopefully this article useful for us all

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