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Sunday 8 November 2015

Corn Popcorn Recipes

Recipes and How To Make Your Own Popcorn - Hi mother, has never made your own popcorn at home? If not, here is no recipe is super tasty and crunchy popcorn sis + Mely Anandhita submissions that could be mother try. How to make it really really very simple, popcorn seasoning ingredients and corn is also simple. Check out the recipe yes!


3-4 tbsp corn popcorn
2-3 tablespoons margarine
3 tablespoons honey
How to make:Heat margarine in a pan (try that has a cover), make sure the margarine evenly sown. When the liquid margarine has started, wait until frothy.Enter Corn Popcorn, and shake the pan until evenly distributed. Let stand in a hot pan until the corn started bubbling. Every time a burst of corn began to subside, let me shake back pan submerged margarine and popped corn.Wait until the popping corn is done, move to the table. Wait another few seconds until no longer blast.Put in bowl and immediately sprinkle honey into popcorn. cover with a plate and then stirred until evenly distributed.Serve to accompany a movie with family

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