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Monday 2 November 2015


Coffee became one commodity foreign exchange. Even Indonesia became the world number three coffee producer after Brazil and Vietnam. In the midst of pride as a world coffee producer, but many farmers in Indonesia obstacles in aquaculture.
One such obstacle is the coffee fruit borer attack (PBKo) Hypothenemus hampei Ferr. In Bali in late 2010 this had occurred pests that damage the coffee crop to 116.8 hectares (ha).
Therefore this condition must be given attention and follow-up. If not, then the development of the pest from year to year more and more spread throughout the coffee production center in Indonesia. Especially with the global climate change makes the development of the pest continues to increase.
It was not just Indonesia that suffered the attack of pests. Almost all the world's coffee producers face the same problems. Coffee borer causes economic losses and affect the economy of more than 20 million rural families in the world.
H. hampei attack is one of the biggest problems of global coffee production. Suffered sizeable losses. Crop losses could be in the range of 5-24%. In extreme cases reported up to 50% yield loss.
Recognize the Small Beetles
H. hampei (PBKo) are small beetles belonging to the order Coleoptera families scotylidae. These insects have the ability to lay 54 eggs. Age eggs is 5-9 days. Age larvae (2nd instar to instar males and 3 females) 10-26 days, prapupa 2 days of age, the age of pupae 4-9 days.
Female adult insects measuring 2 mm and 1.3 mm male. Male beetles maximum age of 103 days. And the female approximately 156 days, a maximum of 282 days. Brownish-black insects, males can not fly. While females flying hours 16:00 to 6:00 p.m. with the ability to fly as far as 350 meters. In the life cycle requires 25-35 days.
PBKo attack symptoms on young fruit is characterized by the presence of holes on the rear of the fruit that causes the fruit does not develop, rot and fall. The attack on the young fruit can reach 7-14%. Usually the female insects prefer laying eggs in the fruit is quite old (mengkal), so PBKo grow until the fruit is harvested or fall. If the fruit does not fall, then the quality of the seeds can be harvested will be low because the seed cavities.
Sere combination of fragrance and Saliara
One technology that can be done to anticipate the coffee borer attack is to exercise control with the use of botanical pesticides PBKo. Botanical pesticides that can be used include a combination / mixture of fragrant and saliara sere.
Sere fragrance is a type of grass with sekisar plant height of 50-100 cm. Single leaf frayed, about 1 meter long, 1.5 cm wide. But the rough and sharp, parallel leaf bone, upper and lower surfaces and green hair.
No woody stem, ribbed-short ribs, and white. Root fibers and propagation with separation shoots or tillers. Compound interest, panicle shape, wreaths berseludang, located in one stalk, small grain, ravel stamens, anthers emerge from the side, white. Fruits such as rice fruit, elliptical, flattened, yellowish white. Seeds are elliptical, brown.
Chemical content sere fragrant plants more commonly found on stems and leaves. By the way, stems and leaves are crushed, then mixed with a solvent will produce the essential oil-containing compound sitral, sitronela, geraniol, mirsena, nerol, methyl farsenol heptenon, and dipentena.
One sere fragrant chemical compounds that can kill insects is sitronela. Sitronela have toxic properties (desiscant). According to how this poison works as a contact poison that can give death due to fluid loss continuously so that the insect body is dehydrated. In general, the chemical constituents are sere scented repellent / repellent against insect pests.
While saliara (Lantana camara Linn.), Is a herbaceous plant with a height of 0.5-1.5 meters. This plant comes from South America and grows well in tropical areas. This plant grows in tropical areas spread almost all over the continent. Can grow to a height of 1,700 meters above sea level.
Is an annual plant with the characteristics, bark brown with a rough surface. Oval-shaped green leaves with serrated leaf edge. Rough leaf surface because there is fur. Position leaves face and bone pinnate leaves.
Has flowers that are rasemos and has a wide range of colors, white, pink, orange, yellow. L. camara Linn. have fruit like Berry. Green colored and black when it is ripe. These plants can be propagated by seed and cuttings.
Based on the results of leaf and flower extracts obtained compounds that function as insecticidal, fungicidal, nematisidal, and anti mikrobakterial. Such compounds include Humule (essential oils), Lantadene A, Lantadene B, Lantanolic acid, Lantic acid, b-coryophylle, g-terpidene, a-pinene, and r-cynaene.
Triterpenoid compounds from this plant is able to inhibit the growth of bacteria Staphylococus aureus is a pathogenic bacterium in respiratory disease. Besides the chemical constituents saliara plants can also be used as a repellent / insect pest repellent.
sc: Achmad tabloidsinartani.com Bachelor and Revelation Widiyasmoro / Yul

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