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Monday 9 November 2015


In 100 grams of papaya, contained 78 milligrams of vitamin C. The vitamin C contained by orange per 100 grams, only 49 milligrams. So, papaya contains vitamin C more. The only one capable of defeating papaya fruit in terms of its vitamin C content, just guava, which contain as much as 87 milligrams of vitamin C per 100 grams.
Papaya contains nutrients that are very abundant and very well taken the children to the elderly (the elderly), to maintain a healthy body. In addition, the fruit of which allegedly came from Costa Rica and Mexico, can be obtained anywhere and anytime, because the fruit is not knowing the season, so that it can continue to grow throughout the period.
All parts papaya, starting from the root to the tip of the leaves including flowers and fruit, have a high medical value. Papaya flower that has been cooked and sweetened with sugar, can be used to treat jaundice and bronchitis. Papaya tree bark, can be used as a cure toothache. Roots and sap papaya has remarkable properties. Both contain the active non-nutritional substances, namely karpain, karposit, kautsyuk, and papayotin, which can function as antibiotics. Papaya root tea can also be made to eliminate intestinal parasites, treating jaundice and kidney disease, and stop the bleeding.
Papaya contains the fiber pectin. Fiber this one, has a great ability, which is capable of eliminating hunger a full day. Based on the results of a study published in the Journal of the American College of Nutrition, people who consume fruits that contain pectin, had a satiety four hours longer than people who also eat fruit, but do not contain pectin. This pectin, found in between skin and flesh. Therefore, when peeling the fruit, should not be too thick, so that pectin is not wasted by useless. In addition, the fiber contained by papaya, very smooth. That is, making the fruit is very suitable to be consumed by all ages.
Fruit that has the Latin name is Carica papaya L., also contains papain. The specialty of this substance is able to help our body to digest the food that has a size 35 times larger than the size of papaya that we consume. This substance, scattered in all parts of the fruit from the skin to the seed, so it is not surprising that a number of nutrition experts often give advice to people who have problems with digestion, for complete diligently eating papaya with seeds. In China, the papaya seeds are commonly consumed by indigenous communities in a manner dried, then mixed into a drink of tea. Thus, the bitter taste issued by seed, will disappear altogether.
Eating papaya on a regular basis, can prevent us from the risk of bladder cancer, colon cancer, pancreatic cancer, and lung cancer. In addition, eating papaya on a regular basis also makes the intestinal mucous which negatively affect our digestive system can be reduced, and even intestinal parasites can be digested.
Papaya is good to be consumed in order to maintain the health of our bodies, but women who are pregnant, are prohibited from eating fruits especially papaya papaya young or raw or mengkal and also the skin; leaf; beans (fresh / dried); and sap, because parts of the fruit, have the effect of abortion. If not possible due to various reasons, women who are pregnant still "allowed" to eat fruit and papaya, and even then that was absolutely ripe and with a moderate quantity. In this case, the dose plays a very important role, because women who consume papaya in large quantities and in a very long time span, can be barren forever.
A number of researchers at the University of Sussex in England said, "If a pregnant woman eating a papaya per day, maybe she would have a miscarriage within a week. This fruit, only need to eat two or three days to feel its function as birth control. Abortion is guaranteed to happen, just by eating unripe papaya fruit. "
That is why, in countries such as Papua New Guinea and Peru, papaya is often used as a contraceptive (birth control).

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