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Sunday 1 November 2015



Synonyms: Lantana aculeata L ..

 Kingdom: Plantae (Plants)
Division: Magnoliophyta
Class: Magnoliopsida
Order: lamiales
Family: Verbenaceae
Genus: Lantana
Species: Lantana camara LINN

General / Trade: flower droppings
Sunda: saliara

Herba hairy and thorny stem and measuring approximately 2 m. The leaves are rough, flavorful and a length of several centimeters with jagged leaf edges. Branched, twig rectangular shape, there are varieties of prickly and there are varieties that are not barbed. Single leaf, sitting opposite ovoid shape tapered tip serrated edge bone pinnate leaves, the top surface feels rough-haired lot with sparse hair touching below surface. Interest in a series that is rasemos have white, pink, orange yellow, and so on. Berry fruits such as shiny black when ripe.
Distribution / Distribution: Plants that come from tropical America can be found from the lowlands to an altitude of 1,700 m above sea level.
Habitat: Found in open areas exposed to the sun, or rather ternaung.Terdapat up to 1,700 m asl., In the summer, is widely used as a hedge plant.
Propagation: generative way through seeds or cuttings.
Benefits of plant: The leaves and flowers has the potential to be used as an insecticide plant because it contains lantadene A, lantadene B, lantanolic acid, Lantic acid, humule (containing volatile oil), b-caryophyllene, g-terpidene, a -pinene and r-cymene.
Benefits of plants: In case of emergency lantana camara pieces that have been cooked and black can be used as food, taste sweet and very delicious for food while roads.

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