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Sunday 8 November 2015

Vegetable Recipe: Watercress plecing Seasoned Nuts

Simple Recipes - Vegetable plecing kale, this dish is almost something like like pecel, mostly using peanut sauce as a marinade. Here the mother has no one ever made this kale plecing yet? If you have not, this recipe may deh try at home. Here's the recipe:
1 bunch kale
1 gengam sprouts
5 grains of cayenne pepper
1 tomato large sizes
1 tablespoon lemon juice
paste to taste
hotcakes little
salt to taste
brown sugar to taste
MSG to taste

Step how to create:Clean the spinach and bean sprouts. Wash thoroughly.Boil until cooked spinach and drain. Arrange on a plate.Cook the sprouts into boiling water for a minute. then drain. Place it on a plate of kale above.Puree: cayenne pepper, tomato paste, a little hotcakes. May also added lime skin, if you like. Add lime juice to taste.Pour sauce on a plate containing spinach and bean sprouts. Sprinkle peanuts on top.Done and serve.

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