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Sunday 1 November 2015



Lemongrass there are two kinds, one plain to menyayur lemongrass and citronella second very useful for health.
Citronella can be used as massage oil. To plant lemongrass (Cymbopogon nardus L.,) in the world of trading there are two types of citronella oil, which is the type of Ceylon and the type of Java (Indonesia).
Ceylon-type mostly produced in Sri Lanka, while the Java type of Java also produced other than in some other countries such as China, Honduras and Guatemala. Quality Ceylon type of citronella oil can not compete with the quality of the Java type.
Planting area and citronella oil production in Indonesia, especially in Java, especially in West Java and Central Java. According to data from statistical, lemongrass area develops only in Riau, West Java, Central Java, Kalimantan and Sulawesi. The share of oil production in West Java and Central Java citronella reached 95% of the total Indonesian production.
Production centers in West Java are: Pandeglang, Bandung, Sumedang, Ciamis, Cianjur, Lebak, Garut and Tasikmalaya. For areas in Central Java Cilacap and Pemalang. (Various related media, R & D Ministry of Agriculture, the data is processed F. Hero K. Purba)
Commodities for citronella essential oil is a natural substance that is easily biodegradable, making it safe for the environment and agriculture products. Besides easily available in the market since many household enterprises engaged in the production of essential oils of citronella, has a relatively cheaper price compared to synthetic pesticides material, as well as easily in the application so that it can be done by everyone.
Pest control, lemongrass essential oil works as a repellent. The mechanism is screwed aroma towing issued so that the movement of host plants of pests to the host plant may have been transferred.
This oil also as barrier materials meal where citronella essential oil is applied to the host plant is able to suppress the role of stimulant ingredients produced eating the plant and cause resentment so that consumption of pests on the host plant has been further reduced. As a result of growth and development of pest populations become inhibited.
Indonesia's rich biodiversity will produce 40 types of 80 types of essential oils that are traded in the world market. Of these, 13 species have entered the volatile world markets, namely patchouli, citronella, clove, ginger, nutmeg, pepper, cinnamon, sandalwood, jasmine, vetiver, ylang, eucalyptus, and cubeb.
In Indonesia in general lemongrass plant can be classified into two groups, namely: Lemon lemon grass or lemongrass seasoning (Cymbopogon citratus) and lemongrass scented or sitronella lemongrass (Cymbopogon nardus).
Generally we do not distinguish the name of citronella and lemongrass Lemon, although both types are easily distinguishable. Lemongrass scent in Indonesia there are 2 types of species and types lenabatu mahapengiri. Most pengiri can be known from the shape of its leaves are shorter and wider than the leaf lenabatu. By distillation of this kind gives a higher oil yield than lenabatu, its quality is also better, meaning that the content of geraniol and sitronellelal higher than in lenabatu. Similarly, mahapengiri require better soils, rain more, better maintenance of the lenabatu.
For the first time in Europe on lemongrass oil written by Nicolaus Grimm, namely an army physician who studied medicine in Colombo at the end of the 17th century named Grimm grass that produces the oil Arundo Indica odorata.
Delivery of "Olium Siree" first arrived in Europe is in the early 18th century, at the time the oil is exported seems to be just a little bit.
Based on data for the estimated world consumption in 2010 over 2000 tons / year. Indonesia is the third world producer after China and Vietnam.
Some countries are always actively buying citronella Indonesia are Singapore, Japan, USA, Australia, Netherlands, United Kingdom, France, Germany, Italy, India, and Taiwan. With the main buyers are the US, France, Italy, Singapore and Taiwan. Citronella oil export volume is relatively small, amounting to 115.67 tonnes valued at US $ 701.0 in 2004.
The lemongrass oil with grassy-citrus scent that is warm is known as a natural deodorant. Warmth and freshness have aromatherapy benefits. Lemongrass oil and insect repellent are also able to reduce the itching of the skin. The potential use of citronella essential processing potential in the development of local and export markets.

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