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Thursday 12 November 2015


Basil is one of the plants that are used as vegetables. The plant is also very easy to grow in tropical regions like Indonesia. So do not need to bother to cultivate this basil plant.

Before planting basil, of course, must be clarified for the purpose of planting basil whether agricultural capacity / sale or only for family consumption only. If for the needs of the sales would be very require more effort in order basil produced more fresh and fertile. Basil plant itself can be planted by seed or by stem. However, that is often done is to plant basil from seed.

Planting basil for agriculture
Basil cultivation for agricultural capacity with commercial purposes would need large area, but if the land is owned by only modest do not matter because it did not affect the fertility of the basil plant. Here are the steps in planting basil:

Land preparation
    Land to be planted basil crumble should be done by using a hoe.
    Digemburkan land that has been formed into ridges (moor) with a size of 1 meter width and length tailored to the needs.
    Having already established moor land, spread manure or compost evenly. Stir again using a hoe so that the manure to the soil layer below.
    Let the planting of land that has been prepared for 2-3hari, it is to restore nutrients after the crumble (so that his condition is stable).

Preparation Seed

Basil seeds can be obtained from the flowers of basil on aged characterized by discolored brown and dried. Take a few sprigs of basil dried flowers and basking back in the sun with a given base or container. After the beans are considered dry, remove from heat and let stand in an area that is not hot (winds).

Planting Seeds
The seed that had been prepared earlier planted by sprinkling basil seeds evenly in the prepared soil. Once the seal with a thin soil on top evenly. Do watering in the morning and afternoon. Do not use the watering too tight, because it can damage the areas under cultivation and make basil seeds bouncing crash into the water.

Basil plant care
Basil plant will grow within 5-7 days of planting, keep doing the watering in the morning and afternoon. When in the sense of all the seeds have grown, the next step is weeding. Move the basil plant is too close to the visible tenuous. This should be done while still a small basil plant (leaves 4 -5 strands).

Cleaning the planting area of grass bullies should also be made, in order basil can thrive. In addition, note the basil leaves, wash the basil from interference caterpillars and other pests. Do not use pesticides because it is not good if the leaves are consumed.

Harvesting Basil
Harvesting can dialkukan if the basil has been deemed high enough, do the cutting with scissors or a knife above the first two leaves. This is certainly intended that could basil shoots back and produce new buds.

Wash the basil leaves that have been harvested with clean water prior to bonding for sale.

Basil plants can also be cultivated in pots or polybags, do almost the same with other vegetable crops such as chilli in polybag. Then to the basil plant is used as a family komnsumsi certainly more simple in the plant. We just specify an empty location on our home page, and then sow the seeds of basil earlier. Basil seeds will grow by itself.

That's some way to plant basil basil plant and how to care for, it is very easy not. Hopefully this article useful for us all


Cabbage is a vegetable that has many fans and become a promising business area for vegetable growers.
Benefits of mustard is very good to relieve itching in the throat in patients with cough. Curing the head, blood cleaning materials, improve kidney function, as well as improve and facilitate digestion.While the content contained in mustard is a protein, fat, carbohydrate, Ca, P, Fe, Vitamin A, Vitamin B, and Vitamin C.
TYPES mustardIn general, leaf mustard plants usually have long, soft, lint, and berkrop.Farmers we only know three kinds of mustard commonly cultivated are: white mustard (mustard jabung), mustard greens, and mustard greens huma.Right now people are more familiar with caisim alias mustard meatballs. There was also some kind of curly mustard greens and collards monuments. Caisim alias mustard meatballs there is also a call mustard china., Is a type of mustard are the most widely sold in the markets today. Stalk leaves are long, slender, greenish white. Wide leaves elongated, thin and green. It feels crisp, fresh, with a little bitterness. In addition to delicious pan-fried or dioseng, also for traders meatball noodle, chicken noodle, or chinese restaurant.
ustard is not native to Indonesia, according to its origin in Asia. Because Indonesia has a match on the climate, the weather and the soil that developed in Indonesia.Mustard plant can grow well in a hot air or cold air, so it can be cultivated from the lowlands and the highlands. Even so, in fact obtained better results in the highlands.Suitable planting area is starting from a height of 5 meters up to 1,200 meters above sea level. But usually cultivated in areas that have a height of 100 meters to 500 meters above sea level.Mustard plants resistant to rain, so it can be planted throughout the year.In the dry season to note is regular watering.Due to the growth of these plants require cool air. more quickly when planted in a moist atmosphere. However, these plants are also unhappy at the water pooled. Thus, the plant is suitable if planted at the end of the rainy season.Land suitable for growing mustard is loose soil, many containing humus, fertile, and water disposal well.The degree of acidity (pH) soil optimum for growth is between pH 6 to pH 7,
CULTIVATION mustardHow to cultivate mustard actually not much different with the cultivation of vegetables in general. Conventional cultivation of land include the processing of land, seed preparation, planting techniques, provision of fertilizers and pesticides, and plant maintenance.Mustard greens can be grown in monoculture or tunmpang sari. Plants that can be intercropped among others: dau onions, carrots, spinach, kale land. While there is a mustard seed planted directly but there are also through breeding first.The following will discuss the mustard conventional cultivation techniques in the field.
Seedling VEGETABLES CULTIVATION mustardSeed is one of the factors determining the success of farming. Good seeds will produce plants that grow with the good.Mustard seed needs for each hectare of land planted of 750 grams.Mustard seeds are round, small. Shiny smooth surface and a bit loud. Blackish brown seed coat color.Seeds that will be used must have a good quality, if we have to consider buying a long storage, variety, moisture content, temperature and keep it.It also should pay attention to the packaging of seed must be intact. Good packaging is with aluminum foil.If the seed we use the results of pananaman we should pay attention to the quality of the seed, for example, plants that will be taken as the seed must be older than 70 days.And the planting of mustard seed that will be separate from other mustard plants.Also pay attention to the process that will be done for example by dianginkan, storage and expected duration of use of seeds no more than 3 years.
SOIL TREATMENT PLANT VEGETABLES RAISING mustardTillage generally do crumble and a raised bed.Pengemburan stages namely cultivation to improve soil structure and circulation of the air and the provision of basic fertilizers to improve soil physical and chemical fertility of the land that would add that we will use.Digemburkan about to land must be cleared of rocks, grass, shrubs or trees growing. And free of the shaded area, because the mustard plant likes to direct sunlight.While the depth of soil that is dug as deep as 20 to 40 cm.Manure fermentation 3-5 ton / ha.Manure fermentation given moment in order to quickly crumble evenly and mixed with the soil that will be used.If the area has a too low pH (acidic) should be done calcification. Liming aims to raise the degree keasam soil, liming is done long before the planting of the seed, which is approximately 2 to 4 weeks earlier. So a good time to do the tilling of soil 2-4 weeks before the land was about to be planted. Type of lime used are lime calcite (CaCO3) or dolomite (CaMg (CO3) 2).
BREEDING CULTIVATION VEGETABLE mustardSeeding can be done simultaneously with the processing of the soil for planting.Because it is more efficient and seeds will more quickly adapt to its environment.Medium size nursery that is the width of 80-120 cm and a length of 1-3 meters.Rainfall of over 200 mm / month, high beds 20-30 cm.Two weeks before sowing, nursery sprinkled with manure and plus 20 grams of urea, 10 grams TSP and 7.5 grams Kcl.How to do the seeding is as follows: the seeds are sown and then covered with soil about 1-2 cm, then doused with a sprayer.
After the age of 3-4 weeks from seedling plants were transferred to the bed.
PLANT PLANTING VEGETABLES mustardSize beds with a width of 120 cm and a length in accordance with the size of the plot.High beds 20-30 cm with the distance between beds of 30 cm, a week before planting fertilizing manure in advance is 3-5 tonnes / ha, TSP 40 kg / ha, Kcl 15 kg / ha.Being in a raised bed planting distance of 40 x 40 cm, 30 x 30 and 20 x 20 cm.Choose a good seed, remove the seeds carefully, then make a hole with a size of 4-8 x 6-10 cm.
MAINTENANCE OF VEGETABLES CULTIVATION mustardThe first thing to note is watering, watering depends on the season, when the rainy season is considered excessive then we need to do a reduction in available water, but instead when the dry season arrives we have to add water for the adequacy of mustard plants that we planted. If it is not too hot watering once a day enough evening or early morning.Thinning is done 2 weeks after planting. The trick to pull plants that grow too tightly.Stitching is the act of replacing these plants with new plants. It is very easy that dead plants or pests and diseases of plants to be replaced with new ones.Weeding is usually done 2-4 times during the planting collards, adjusted to the presence of weeds in planting beds. Weeding is usually done 1 or 2 weeks after planting. If necessary crumble and pengguludan along with weeding.Additional fertilization was given after 3 weeks of planting, ie with urea 20 kg / ha.
PLANTING vertikulturStep - angkah planting vertikultur are as follows:Seeds sown in a nursery box denagn sand media. Seed treated until ready ditanaman at 14 days from seed sown.Provide growing media such as soil top soil, manure, sand and compost in the ratio 2: 1: 1: 1 mixed evenly.Enter the planting medium mixture into polybags measuring 20 x 30 cm.Move the plant seeds are ready to plant in polybags available. Plants were transferred typically have leaved 3-5 strands.Polybag already planted arranged on shelves available on Lath House.
PLANTING hydroponics.Steps hydroponic cultivation is as follows:Prepare the seedbed container. Insert the media in the form of fine sand were sterilized as thick as 3-4 cm. Sprinkle the seeds of mustard on it further up back with 0.5 cm thick layer of sand.Once the seedlings grow and leafy 3-5 strands (age 3-4 weeks, the seedlings are carefully removed, then the roots are washed with water until clean, roots that are too long can be cut.Planting tubs filled with gravel bottom sterile thick 7-10 cm, then on top added a layer of coarse sand which has also been sterilized as thick as 20 cm.Make the planting hole with a distance of approximately 25 x 25 cm, put the seeds into the hole, cover the roots of seedlings with roots media up through the neck, try to position the seedling upright with the media.Give the hydroponic solution through watering, can also be done with the administration of irigation drip system or any other system, the new plants to grow further maintained large.
PEST AND DISEASEPEST.Caterpillar growing point (Crocidolomia binotalis Zell.). Tritip caterpillars (Plutella maculipennis) .Siput (Agriolimas sp.). Caterpillar Thepa javanica.Cacing feathers (cut worms).
DISEASE.Pekuk.Bercak root disease alternaria.Busuk wet leaves (soft root) .Penyakit powdery mildew (downy mildew) .Penyakit fall seedling (dumping off) .Busuk daun.busuk Rhizoctonia (bottom root) .Bercak daun.Virus mosaic.
HARVEST AND POST-HARVEST.In terms of harvesting important note harvesting and how to harvest.Harvesting mustard longest 70 days. The shortest life of 40 days.First look at the physical plant such as color, shape and size of leaves.How to harvest there are 2 kinds of uprooting the whole plant along with its roots and cut off the base of the stem which is located on the ground with a sharp knife.

Wednesday 11 November 2015


Part of the roots of papaya trees benefit is not small. Some of the benefits that should agan know them.
For worming, use 10 grams of dried papaya root, garlic 1 gram and 100 ml water. Material cut into pieces, then boiled with water for 15 minutes, then filtered. If necessary, add boiled water to obtain 75 ml distillate.
1. To prevent the risk of kidney stones, take three pieces of papaya roots, then boiled with one liter of water to a boil, then strain. Once cool, mix with a little honey (honey should not be mixed when the roots have not been cold boiled water, because it would undermine the efficacy of the honey dr.), Then drink.
2. For bladder pain, and bitten by poisonous snakes, Cut 10 grams of dried papaya root and 1 gram of garlic. Boil the mixture in 100 ml water for ± 15 minutes, then filtered (if necessary, add boiled water to obtain 75 ml of distillate, taken three times a day each 25 ml).
3. To prevent the risk of kidney stones and kidney inflammation, Clean 30 grams of papaya roots, boiled with 800 cc of water until the remaining 450 cc, then strain, Once cool, mix with a little honey, then drink (3 times a day each 150 cc) , or also by means of Clean 30 grams of papaya root, root Combine papaya, 15 grams of fresh plant cat whiskers, and 30 roots of the weeds. Boiled with 800 cc of water until the remaining 400 cc, then filtered, Drink 2 times a day each 200 cc.
For urinary tract disorders, How to prepare: Take 3 pieces of papaya roots, Boil 1 liter of water to the boil, then strain, Drink ½ cup, once a day.
4. To treat rheumatism, How to cultivate: Puree papaya root 30 grams, 20 grams of lime leaves, 15 grams of fresh bitter, 20 grams ketepeng china, 30 grams of fresh betel leaf, and 5 pieces of cayenne pepper. Soak the mixture in alcohol 75% for 7 days, then squeeze and strain. Use water to rub and massage the affected part. Do it 2-3 times a day.

Tuesday 10 November 2015


Papaya seeds can not be beneficial to the eye, but can be used as a seed to be planted again can also be a highly efficacious drug.

1. Papaya seeds as antibacterial. Research has been carried out and found that papaya seeds turned out to effectively eradicate E. coli, Salmonella and Staph infections.

2. Seeds Papaya in kidney protection. Research has found that of papaya seed extract can protect the kidneys from toxin-induced renal failure.

3. Seeds Papaya in removing intestinal parasites. There is evidence that papaya seeds to eradicate intestinal parasites. In a study conducted on Nigerian children with intestinal parasites, 76.7% of children are free of parasites after seven days of treatment with papaya seeds compared with only 16.7% of children who received a placebo.

4. Seeds Papaya Exterminate liver toxin. In the treatment in the country of China believed that a teaspoon of papaya seeds can help detoxify the liver. Papaya seeds are often recommended by doctors naturally in the treatment of cirrhosis of the liver.

5. Papaya seeds tackle intestinal worms. Embarrassing disease is also very good eradicated with papaya seeds, even very potent he said.

Fish Recipes and Delicious Specials Cork Pucung

Resep Ikan Gabus Pucung Spesial

The fish special recipes Pucung Cork comes from Ms. JUSCA DIRJA, and shared again in the blog is a collection of recipes. Thank you Ms. already diijinin to be distributed to the mother-mother home. The recipe was really very good, also mimin've tried ya ..Create beautiful mother-mother who had a prescription mainstay, may also share the recipe for my friends to this blog readers. Mother recipe will be featured on the recipe blog today permanently as Ms. Jusca following recipe.The main ingredient:
3 fish cork, each cut into 2 parts
1 tsp lemon juice
1 tsp coriander powder
4 cloves garlic, crushed
1 teaspoon salt
250 ml water
the oil for frying
Materials and Seasoning Gravy:
1,000 ml of water
2 bay leaves
1 tomato, chopped
2 cm galangal, crushed
2 stalks lemongrass, taken whiteness, crushed
6 lime leaves, boned
2 1/2 tsp salt
2 1/4 tsp sugar
1 leek, cut 1 cm
2 tbsp oil for frying
Fried onions for topping
Ground spices:
5 pieces of red chili sauce
6 cloves of garlic
10 red onions
4 pieces kluwek, soaked
2 cm turmeric, burned
4 grains of hazelnut, toasted
How to make:The first step, cork Marinate fish with lime juice, salt, garlic, coriander and water beforehand. Let stand for 20 minutes. Fish fry until cooked.Creating Gravy: Heat the oil into the pan. Tumislah spices, ginger, bay leaves, lime leaves, and lemongrass until fragrant. Add sliced ​​tomatoes. Stir until wilted.Add water, sugar and salt. Enter cork fish and leeks. Cook until the spices to infuse. Stir well. Lift.Serve with a sprinkling of fried onions. Yummi ..

Scrumptious Recipes Kakul Sate From Bali

Gambar Sate kakul
Spicy recipe kikil Sate From Bali Hai mother, yesterday mimin sempet share traditional recipes plecing water spinach Seasoned Nuts are delicious. Mimin today's edition will share unique satay recipe, namely Sate Kakul. What is the satay kakul? Maybe some of the mother-mother here already know what it satay acne, who do not know see
Sate kakul is a kind of culinary delicacies typical of the island of Bali. Made of shells primarily blood and mixed with spices typical of the archipelago. Not only famous retreat in some areas such as Java and Medan also partly been popular with this type of cuisine.
Well, now you already know the satay acne is what? Just how do I make and prescribe any spices. Let's refer to the following recipe:
Sate Kakul Main Ingredients: 350 grams of blood Shells 2 stalks lemongrass, crushed 1 tablespoon water 1 teaspoon tamarind skewers Salt to taste
Ground spices Sate Kakul: 5 grains of red onion 2 cloves garlic 2 cm 2 cm Ginger Powder 3 eggs 1 teaspoon roasted Pecan fried shrimp paste 1 teaspoon salt
Step How to Make Spicy Kakul Sate Khas Bali:
Boil the shells together lemongrass, tamarind water, and salt to a boil, remove from heat and drain.
Combine spices and shellfish stew, stir well.
Prick-prick shells by using jab satay until they run out. Then grilled over the coals until done.
Sate kakul tasty and delicious prepared served with sauce / spicy peanut sauce.

Monday 9 November 2015


In 100 grams of papaya, contained 78 milligrams of vitamin C. The vitamin C contained by orange per 100 grams, only 49 milligrams. So, papaya contains vitamin C more. The only one capable of defeating papaya fruit in terms of its vitamin C content, just guava, which contain as much as 87 milligrams of vitamin C per 100 grams.
Papaya contains nutrients that are very abundant and very well taken the children to the elderly (the elderly), to maintain a healthy body. In addition, the fruit of which allegedly came from Costa Rica and Mexico, can be obtained anywhere and anytime, because the fruit is not knowing the season, so that it can continue to grow throughout the period.
All parts papaya, starting from the root to the tip of the leaves including flowers and fruit, have a high medical value. Papaya flower that has been cooked and sweetened with sugar, can be used to treat jaundice and bronchitis. Papaya tree bark, can be used as a cure toothache. Roots and sap papaya has remarkable properties. Both contain the active non-nutritional substances, namely karpain, karposit, kautsyuk, and papayotin, which can function as antibiotics. Papaya root tea can also be made to eliminate intestinal parasites, treating jaundice and kidney disease, and stop the bleeding.
Papaya contains the fiber pectin. Fiber this one, has a great ability, which is capable of eliminating hunger a full day. Based on the results of a study published in the Journal of the American College of Nutrition, people who consume fruits that contain pectin, had a satiety four hours longer than people who also eat fruit, but do not contain pectin. This pectin, found in between skin and flesh. Therefore, when peeling the fruit, should not be too thick, so that pectin is not wasted by useless. In addition, the fiber contained by papaya, very smooth. That is, making the fruit is very suitable to be consumed by all ages.
Fruit that has the Latin name is Carica papaya L., also contains papain. The specialty of this substance is able to help our body to digest the food that has a size 35 times larger than the size of papaya that we consume. This substance, scattered in all parts of the fruit from the skin to the seed, so it is not surprising that a number of nutrition experts often give advice to people who have problems with digestion, for complete diligently eating papaya with seeds. In China, the papaya seeds are commonly consumed by indigenous communities in a manner dried, then mixed into a drink of tea. Thus, the bitter taste issued by seed, will disappear altogether.
Eating papaya on a regular basis, can prevent us from the risk of bladder cancer, colon cancer, pancreatic cancer, and lung cancer. In addition, eating papaya on a regular basis also makes the intestinal mucous which negatively affect our digestive system can be reduced, and even intestinal parasites can be digested.
Papaya is good to be consumed in order to maintain the health of our bodies, but women who are pregnant, are prohibited from eating fruits especially papaya papaya young or raw or mengkal and also the skin; leaf; beans (fresh / dried); and sap, because parts of the fruit, have the effect of abortion. If not possible due to various reasons, women who are pregnant still "allowed" to eat fruit and papaya, and even then that was absolutely ripe and with a moderate quantity. In this case, the dose plays a very important role, because women who consume papaya in large quantities and in a very long time span, can be barren forever.
A number of researchers at the University of Sussex in England said, "If a pregnant woman eating a papaya per day, maybe she would have a miscarriage within a week. This fruit, only need to eat two or three days to feel its function as birth control. Abortion is guaranteed to happen, just by eating unripe papaya fruit. "
That is why, in countries such as Papua New Guinea and Peru, papaya is often used as a contraceptive (birth control).

Sunday 8 November 2015

Corn Popcorn Recipes

Recipes and How To Make Your Own Popcorn - Hi mother, has never made your own popcorn at home? If not, here is no recipe is super tasty and crunchy popcorn sis + Mely Anandhita submissions that could be mother try. How to make it really really very simple, popcorn seasoning ingredients and corn is also simple. Check out the recipe yes!


3-4 tbsp corn popcorn
2-3 tablespoons margarine
3 tablespoons honey
How to make:Heat margarine in a pan (try that has a cover), make sure the margarine evenly sown. When the liquid margarine has started, wait until frothy.Enter Corn Popcorn, and shake the pan until evenly distributed. Let stand in a hot pan until the corn started bubbling. Every time a burst of corn began to subside, let me shake back pan submerged margarine and popped corn.Wait until the popping corn is done, move to the table. Wait another few seconds until no longer blast.Put in bowl and immediately sprinkle honey into popcorn. cover with a plate and then stirred until evenly distributed.Serve to accompany a movie with family

Vegetable Recipe: Watercress plecing Seasoned Nuts

Simple Recipes - Vegetable plecing kale, this dish is almost something like like pecel, mostly using peanut sauce as a marinade. Here the mother has no one ever made this kale plecing yet? If you have not, this recipe may deh try at home. Here's the recipe:
1 bunch kale
1 gengam sprouts
5 grains of cayenne pepper
1 tomato large sizes
1 tablespoon lemon juice
paste to taste
hotcakes little
salt to taste
brown sugar to taste
MSG to taste

Step how to create:Clean the spinach and bean sprouts. Wash thoroughly.Boil until cooked spinach and drain. Arrange on a plate.Cook the sprouts into boiling water for a minute. then drain. Place it on a plate of kale above.Puree: cayenne pepper, tomato paste, a little hotcakes. May also added lime skin, if you like. Add lime juice to taste.Pour sauce on a plate containing spinach and bean sprouts. Sprinkle peanuts on top.Done and serve.

Wednesday 4 November 2015


Who does not know this food, we encounter in brother - brother taste is sweet and mak Nyos anyway. If buntik not know resepanya please just refer in MOTHER KITCHEN
Good luck and thank you for visiting our block Master Chef TV


How are mothers all .............. Welcome back to our blog Master Chef TV. you must

have never felt the meal named cakwe. These foods may be seen in brother - brother that hung. Although this dish is cheap but tasty, especially if we eat the same disposable coffee bean sauce. Uh eeennnnak buanget anyway. Sometimes we hesitate to eat because the food is sold alongside a road. Surely a matter of cleanliness. For that buntik can cook it yourself. Here we try to present a recipe cakwe, for more details please visit KITCHEN MOTHER

Thank you for your visit at Master Chef TV. Good luck good luck.

Stir-fry Recipes Pare Scrambled Eggs

Resep Hari Ini, Tumis Pare Campur Telur. Selamat pagi bunda, sudah ada ide buat menu masakan hari ini? Kalo belum, coba masak tumis pare aja yuk..?! Kebetulan baru aja mimin selesai masak pare, dan ditumis dengan campuran cabai yang sedikit lebih berani dari biasanya.. hehe

Tumis Pare Telur

This recipe is obtained from my friend Marisa Princess A of cookped, and mimin practice .. The result was satisfactory, and now mimin share in this recipe blog. Like this recipe:Materials and Seasoning 3 pare medium size (halved lengthwise, cored sliced ​​thin) 4 eggs (fried scrambled) 8 shallots 4 cloves garlic 3 pieces of green chilies large 5 pieces of curly red chili 2 pieces cayenne Red 1 segment lemongrass (geprek) 1 bay leaf salt to taste sugar to taste flavoring to taste 1/2 tomatoesStep How to Cook it: Iris seasoning of garlic, onion, red chili, red chili keriring, green peppers, and tomatoes. Heat cooking oil, seasoning sliced ​​input, salam and galangal. Saute until wilted and fragrant spices. If so, enter sliced ​​green chilies, cayenne pepper, and red pepper curls along with a slice of tomato. kenbali saute until wilted. After that add water 250ml kira2. Add salt, sugar, and flavorings (If you prefer). Next enter pare washed in thin slices. a little water and cook until it dries. When the water has left a bit, input scrambled eggs. cook until the water runs out. Remove and serve for breakfast menu this morning ...

Recipes Gado-gado Bride Tasty and Easy

Today's recipe, recipes and How to Make a mishmash bride - the mother Hi how are you ..? Um, in the episode this time I will be full share tips, tricks and easy way to make a hodgepodge ya mother of all. This is not the usual hodgepodge know, diliat of his name aja really unique "Mishmash Bride". hehe
Recipe makes this bridal hodgepodge mimin obtained from ripe communities that are popular today, Yups Cookped. Thanks ya ya giacinta already share .. Here is the recipe ..
Material :

1 bunch of curly lettuce, sliced ​​2 cm
1 pineapple, peeled, cut into small
5 pieces of guava water, cut into small
2 cucumber, sliced ​​round
50 grams of cabbage, finely sliced
4 pieces of Tofu, fried, cut into pieces
Seasoning hodgepodge:
250 grams of peanut peeled, roasted, mashed
50 grams of brown sugar, fine comb
5 cloves garlic, thinly sliced
2 red chilies, sliced ​​oblique, seeded
4 kaffir lime leaves
2 tablespoons tamarind water
1 teaspoon salt
2 tablespoons vegetable oil
500 ml coconut milk from coconuts 1/2
Supplementary material :
crackers / chips
fried onions
Steps and How to MakePrepare vegetables and fruits such as pineapple, guava and cucumber, washed, sliced ​​and cut into small pieces. Save dikulkas to be served.Seasoning hodgepodge: Puree onion, chilli and salt. Stir-fry with 2 tablespoons vegetable oil until fragrant.Enter the lime leaves, peanuts and coconut milk, stir. Cook until boiling.Add brown sugar and acid water. Stir until well blended and the sauce thickens. Lift.Tata on a serving plate, lettuce, cabbage, cucumber, guava, pineapple and knew then flush with herbs hodgepodge. Add crackers or chips. If you like blushes with onion.Serve.

Monday 2 November 2015


Coffee became one commodity foreign exchange. Even Indonesia became the world number three coffee producer after Brazil and Vietnam. In the midst of pride as a world coffee producer, but many farmers in Indonesia obstacles in aquaculture.
One such obstacle is the coffee fruit borer attack (PBKo) Hypothenemus hampei Ferr. In Bali in late 2010 this had occurred pests that damage the coffee crop to 116.8 hectares (ha).
Therefore this condition must be given attention and follow-up. If not, then the development of the pest from year to year more and more spread throughout the coffee production center in Indonesia. Especially with the global climate change makes the development of the pest continues to increase.
It was not just Indonesia that suffered the attack of pests. Almost all the world's coffee producers face the same problems. Coffee borer causes economic losses and affect the economy of more than 20 million rural families in the world.
H. hampei attack is one of the biggest problems of global coffee production. Suffered sizeable losses. Crop losses could be in the range of 5-24%. In extreme cases reported up to 50% yield loss.
Recognize the Small Beetles
H. hampei (PBKo) are small beetles belonging to the order Coleoptera families scotylidae. These insects have the ability to lay 54 eggs. Age eggs is 5-9 days. Age larvae (2nd instar to instar males and 3 females) 10-26 days, prapupa 2 days of age, the age of pupae 4-9 days.
Female adult insects measuring 2 mm and 1.3 mm male. Male beetles maximum age of 103 days. And the female approximately 156 days, a maximum of 282 days. Brownish-black insects, males can not fly. While females flying hours 16:00 to 6:00 p.m. with the ability to fly as far as 350 meters. In the life cycle requires 25-35 days.
PBKo attack symptoms on young fruit is characterized by the presence of holes on the rear of the fruit that causes the fruit does not develop, rot and fall. The attack on the young fruit can reach 7-14%. Usually the female insects prefer laying eggs in the fruit is quite old (mengkal), so PBKo grow until the fruit is harvested or fall. If the fruit does not fall, then the quality of the seeds can be harvested will be low because the seed cavities.
Sere combination of fragrance and Saliara
One technology that can be done to anticipate the coffee borer attack is to exercise control with the use of botanical pesticides PBKo. Botanical pesticides that can be used include a combination / mixture of fragrant and saliara sere.
Sere fragrance is a type of grass with sekisar plant height of 50-100 cm. Single leaf frayed, about 1 meter long, 1.5 cm wide. But the rough and sharp, parallel leaf bone, upper and lower surfaces and green hair.
No woody stem, ribbed-short ribs, and white. Root fibers and propagation with separation shoots or tillers. Compound interest, panicle shape, wreaths berseludang, located in one stalk, small grain, ravel stamens, anthers emerge from the side, white. Fruits such as rice fruit, elliptical, flattened, yellowish white. Seeds are elliptical, brown.
Chemical content sere fragrant plants more commonly found on stems and leaves. By the way, stems and leaves are crushed, then mixed with a solvent will produce the essential oil-containing compound sitral, sitronela, geraniol, mirsena, nerol, methyl farsenol heptenon, and dipentena.
One sere fragrant chemical compounds that can kill insects is sitronela. Sitronela have toxic properties (desiscant). According to how this poison works as a contact poison that can give death due to fluid loss continuously so that the insect body is dehydrated. In general, the chemical constituents are sere scented repellent / repellent against insect pests.
While saliara (Lantana camara Linn.), Is a herbaceous plant with a height of 0.5-1.5 meters. This plant comes from South America and grows well in tropical areas. This plant grows in tropical areas spread almost all over the continent. Can grow to a height of 1,700 meters above sea level.
Is an annual plant with the characteristics, bark brown with a rough surface. Oval-shaped green leaves with serrated leaf edge. Rough leaf surface because there is fur. Position leaves face and bone pinnate leaves.
Has flowers that are rasemos and has a wide range of colors, white, pink, orange, yellow. L. camara Linn. have fruit like Berry. Green colored and black when it is ripe. These plants can be propagated by seed and cuttings.
Based on the results of leaf and flower extracts obtained compounds that function as insecticidal, fungicidal, nematisidal, and anti mikrobakterial. Such compounds include Humule (essential oils), Lantadene A, Lantadene B, Lantanolic acid, Lantic acid, b-coryophylle, g-terpidene, a-pinene, and r-cynaene.
Triterpenoid compounds from this plant is able to inhibit the growth of bacteria Staphylococus aureus is a pathogenic bacterium in respiratory disease. Besides the chemical constituents saliara plants can also be used as a repellent / insect pest repellent.
sc: Achmad tabloidsinartani.com Bachelor and Revelation Widiyasmoro / Yul