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Monday 7 December 2015

Cultivation Persimmon

Although the origin of a subtropical region, persimmon can adapt to various weather in warm temperate climates, such as those found in the highlands of the tropics. Experience in Southeast Asia indicate that seasonal climate that stands out is not necessary. Persimmon cultivation did well in the highlands above 1000 m above sea level; but also encountered several examples of persimmon fruit trees in the lowland, for example in Cats (Sarawak).
Shaded land is important to avoid damage to young leaves that are still weak from the wind, and avoid blisters on the fruit. Persimmon tree tolerant to various types of soil, but easier to maintain high production yields if grown on land in but not too heavy, and good drainage. The recommended acidity is pH between 5.5-6.5.
Persimmon tree small to medium sized, 15 m or less, dioesis (dioecious, married two) and sometimes monoesis, short trunks and twisted, many branches, as well as deciduous. Leaves in two rows, arranged alternate, short-stemmed lk. 3 cm, round, round to oblong eggs, from 2.5 to 15 × 5-25 cm, yellow green sheen.
Male flowers in short panicles contain 3-5 florets, female flowers solitary, axillary, berbilangan 4. Fruit buni flattened rounded shape and quadrangular, yellowish green to red, the leaf sheath which does not fall out.
Cultivation Guidelines Persimmon
Propagation persimmon in Indonesia and Malaysia usually through a separation of root buds are a few years old. Plants from seed tend to lean clan branched weak. In temperate regions, the multiplication of persimmon is usually done by adults in connection buds on the rootstock derived from seed. Very difficult rooted cuttings.
Reproduction right moment is crucial, because if the growing shoots are naturally passed, the growth will be hampered several years; this is a separate issue on persimmon. Similarly the potion while being leafless, and be careful that the roots are not damaged.
Spacing depends on the fertility of trees than the various cultivars; recommended the variation between 6 mx 4.5 m (equivalent to 370 trees / ha) and 5 mx 2.5 m (equivalent to 800 trees / ha). In the tropics, persimmon growth tend to be more fertile, and generally required spacing less frequently.
Plant Maintenance Persimmon
Disposal of flower buds and thinning is recommended to suppress the tendency to bear two-yearly. Moreover the fruits are still small should also diperjarang until only one or at most two items in each bud, in order to obtain good fruit quality.
The main fertilization, both with manure and artificial fertilizer should be carried out 1-2 months before harvest. Excess nitrogen in order to avoid, because it will stimulate fertility of crops, adding to the collapse of the fruit is still small, and accelerate the growth of the fruit so that it will occur in the cavity under the leaf sheath.
Persimmon fruit is harvested by means of fruit stalk is cut, so that leaves the lids remain attached to the fruit. Fruit is not old is not going to be delicious and sweet. In Japan, use a color map to ensure that the fruit is picked the optimal skin color. Most cultivars of the fruit can be stored in the refrigerator at a temperature of + 1 ° C to -1 ° C for 2-4 months.

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