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Monday 7 December 2015

Quick Cambodia in order Flowers Flowering

Flowers Cambodia or often called Japan by the people of Bali is a plant flowers that almost in every house. If we take a stroll on the island of Bali in addition to the religious aura that is very thick, building temples and statues everywhere, we also encounter many frangipani trees. The beauty of the flower color and form of this trunk seemed to add to the beauty of the island.
Interest arising in the United State is often also called Plumeria, The name is taken from an expert in Botany from France that Charles Plumier. Flowers with this beautiful color blend fragrance brings a very comforting especially the kind Japan Cenana (yellow) and Japan Sudhamala (red petals with yellow middle). Because of the beauty and fragrance of frangipani flowers of Bali, many people who want to plant in the yard as a decoration.
It turned out to plant breeding is not difficult enough frangipani, frangipani bali can grow easily and are resistant to hot weather conditions. To cultivate bali frangipani (plumeria yellow) can be done in two (2) ways: Through the Seeds, and through the stem. To produce rapid flowering frangipani plants, the planting should be done with the rod.
Planting frangipani bali (japanese) with the stem can be done with the following steps:
Choosing the type Cambodia
In choosing the type of frangipani bali, there are two variants that could be an option, namely Japan and Japanese cenana Sudhamala. The second type has a beautiful flower Cambodia respectively, and a fragrance that is not too flashy.
Flower Seeds make Cambodia
When it was decided to choose one of them, the next step is to cut the branch or branches of frangipani, cut the branch length of 90-150 cm denganukuran then transplanting the stem is cut earlier in polybags filled land and manure. Brilah buffer the frangipani stems in order not to collapse when planted in polybags.
Allow the seeds frangipani plant in a shady area by watering in the morning and evening until the seeds sprout and issued frangipani roots. Replace seeds if the seeds Cambodians who do not want to grow.
Planting Bali Cambodia (Cambodia Yellow)
After approximately 2 months usually frangipani seedlings already have sufficient roots and new shoots, when the root has long seen the frangipani flower seeds can be moved to a desired planting sites.
Make a hole as deep as 20-30 cm and sprinkle manure or compost, then take frangipani adal seedlings in polybags earlier. Open plastic poly bag of seeds frangipani, frangipani flower seeds enter into the hole that has been created. Then cover the hole using the rest of the excavated soil compaction as he performed.
Flower Care Cambodia Bali
In the early days of planting the plants should be done pemyiraman frangipani bali regular morning and evening, when the rainy season and the rain almost daily, the watering can not be done. Add special chemical fertilizer for houseplants if needed, if not the frangipani tree will continue to grow in the presence of manure or compost.
At the age of 2 months from planting apply manure by digging a little ground near the tree and then sprinkle manure and cover again.
If there are insect or pest eradication done immediately, and do tillering frangipani that branches and more artistic forms. To note that the plant plumeria or frangipani bali the other is a plant that requires direct sunlight or solar lighting that much. So plant a frangipani in an open area, not covered by other plants.
Remember this plant is in desperate need of sunlight, watering is only done at the beginning of the planting. If you've let the plants grow with their roots seek water sources. Frangipani plants will thrive with dense leaves.
Good luck tips bali frangipani plant or many are calling yellow frangipani, do it right way then you will be issued a frangipani flower which many and beautiful. If later you want to cultivate this seed bali frangipani can be done by taking the seeds from which new plants you planted frangipani, but after frangipani fruit was old and broken by itself.

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