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Monday 7 December 2015

Galangal plant

Rhizome good seed is the end. Tillage is done by loosening the soil and made mound-ridges. Fertilizers used include manure, compost and fertilizers. Also required chemicals to eradicate weeds. Harvesting is done at the time the plant was 2½ - 3 months, and do not be older than that age, because the rhizomes will contain coarse fibers are not preferred in the market.
Propagation of plants can use the ginger rhizome pieces are old and sprouted seedlings or rhizomes, and then broken down into several sections with 2-3 buds on each splinter or tailored to their needs plan. Old rhizome should be selected that weighs 50 grams, and uniform size. Rhizome can ditunaskan over 3- 5 layer of straw or reed reeds overlaid on the ground. Seeding can also be done on wooden shelves. Watering during seedling to sprout taken to maintain most of its rhizomes. Budding considered sufficient if all or most of the rhizomes eyes had grown 1- 2cm, usually 3-4 weeks old. After rhizome sprout or maintained subs 1-2 months, the growth of seedlings ready to be planted in the soil uniformly. For the process of seeding, land management, planting, maintenance until the harvesting depth is as follows:
Requirements seeds:quality seeds are seeds that meet the quality requirements of genetic, physiological quality (high percentage growth), and physical quality. What is meant by physical quality is a seed that is free of pests and diseases. Therefore the criteria must be met: (1) seed material taken directly from the garden (not market). (2) Selected seeds from plant materials that are old (aged 9-10 months). (3) Selected well as from healthy plants and rhizomes uninjured skin or blisters.
Seed seeding techniques: for the growth of plants simultaneously or uniform, the seedlings should not be planted immediately should first germinated. The planting can be done with a wooden crate or bed.
1) Seeding on a wooden crate
Newly harvested rhizome is dried while (not dry), then stored around 1-1.5 months. The rhizomes break by hand where each piece has 3-5 buds and dried over 1 / 2-1 day. The next piece of the seed will be packed into sacks beranyaman rarely, and then soaked in a solution of fungicide and growth regulator about 1 minute, then drain. After it is put into wooden crates. Do the seeding with a wooden crate as follows: at the bottom of the wooden coffin will be placed seed layer, then topped with ash or rice hulls, and so on so that most of the ash or the rice husk. After 2-4 weeks, the seed has been sown.
2) Seeding on the bed
Create a simple seeding house size 10 x 8 m to plant 1 ton (requirement of 1 ha). The seeding in the house made beds of hay as thick as 10 cm. Rhizome seeds will be arranged on beds of straw and hay were closed, and on it was given and given straw rhizomes anyway, and so on, so we get a 4-layer arrangement rhizome with the top in the form of straw. Treatment of seedlings in beds can be done by watering every day and occasionally sprayed with fungicide. After 2 weeks, usually rhizome sprout leaves. When the seeds sprout selected so as not to carry low-quality seeds. Seed selection results were dipatah-break by hand and each piece has 3-5 buds and weighs 40-60 grams.
3) Preparation of Seeds
Before planting, the seedlings should be freed from the threat of disease by means of seeds are put into sacks and dipped in a fungicide solution of approximately 8 hours. Then the seed is dried for 2-4 hours, then planted.
Land processing
1) Preparation of Land:To obtain optimum yields to be aware of the conditions needed to grow crops. When the acidity of the soil that is not in accordance with the acidity of the soil that plants need to be increased or decreased acidity with lime.
2) Clearing:Treatment begins with plowed soil depth less than 30 cm in order to get the loose soil conditions or crumbs and clearing weeds. After the land is left 2-4 weeks to allow toxic gases to evaporate and seedling diseases and pests will die in the sun. If at first soil tillage felt not too loose, then it can do the second tilling about 2-3 weeks before planting and also given a dose of manure 1500-2500 kg.
3) Establishment of Beds:In the areas of groundwater bad conditions and also to prevent waterlogging, soil should be processed into beds-size beds with a height of 20-30 cm, a width of 80-100 cm, while the length adapted to land conditions.
4) Liming:On land with low pH, most of the nutrients in it, especially phosphorus (P) and calcium (Ca) are not available or difficult to absorb. This acidic soil conditions can be a media development some disease-causing fungus Fusarium sp and Pythium sp. Liming also serves to add the element potassium indispensable plants to harden the woody parts of plants, stimulating the formation of root hairs, strengthens the cell walls of fruits and stimulate the formation of seeds.
· Degree of acidity <4 (the most acidic): needs dolomite> 10 tonnes / ha.· Degree of acidity 5 (acid): dolomite needs 5.5 tons / ha.· Degree of acidity 6 (slightly acidic): dolomite needs 0.8 tons / ha.
1) Determination of the pattern of the plant:Cultivation in monoculture in a particular area was considered quite reasonable, because it can provide high-production and production. But in the area, the cultivation of crops in monoculture less acceptable because it always result in losses. Planting intercropped with other crops have the following advantages:

Reduce the losses caused price fluctuations.
Mnekan labor costs, such as plant maintenance labor.
Improve land productivity.
Improved physical properties and preserved land due to low growth of weeds (weeds).2) Pembutan planting hole:To avoid bad growth, due to the bad condition of the ground water, the soil should be processed into beds-beds. Next create small holes or grooves 3 to 7.5 cm deep to plant seeds.

3) Method of planting:Planting is done by attaching seed rhizomes in fall into the planting hole or groove that had been prepared.

4) The period of planting:Planting should be done at the beginning of the rainy season around September and October. This is possible because the young plants will need enough water for growth.Maintenance
1) Stitching:Approximately 2-3 weeks after planting, should be held checks to see dead rhizomes. If so should be implemented immediately in order to seed growth embroidery stitching was not far behind with other plants, it is better to choose a good seed rhizomes and proper maintenance.
2) Weeding:The first weeding is done when the plants aged 2-4 weeks followed 3-6 weeks. Depending on the condition of vegetation growing. However, after the age of 6-7 months, should not be done weeding again, because at that age rhizomes great start.
3) Pembubunan:Plants need soil air circulation and water can work well, then the ground should digemburkan. Besides, the goal pembubunan to hoard rhizome that sometimes appeared on the surface of the ground. If the plants are young, thin enough hoeing soil around the clump with a distance of approximately 30 cm. In the following month can be deepened and widened each time pembubunan gubidan be shaped and formed at the same irrigation system that serves to channel the excess water. Pembumbunan first performed at the time the plants form clumps consisting of 3-4 pseudo stem, generally pembubunan done 2-3 times during the life of the plant. However, depending on the soil conditions and the amount of rain.
4) Fertilization:
a) Organic Fertilization: In organic agriculture that does not use chemicals, including fertilizers and drugs, then the organic fertilizer by using organic compost or manure carried out more frequently than if we use artificial fertilizers. The organic compost fertilizer is carried out in the early planting when creating ridges as basal fertilizer as much as 60-80 tonnes per hectare are stocked and mixed land preparations. To save the use of compost can also be done by way of filling each planting hole at the beginning of the planting of 0.5 - 1kg per plant. Fertilizer insertion is then performed at the age of 2-3 months, 4-6 months and 8-10 months. The insertion of fertilizers as much as 2-3 kg per plant. Giving compost is usually done after weeding activities and in conjunction with activities pembubunan.
b) conventional Fertilization: In addition to the basic fertilizer (at the beginning of the planting), the plants need to be given a second supplementary fertilizer (at 2-4 months old plants). Basic fertilizers used are organic fertilizers 15-20 tons / ha. Fertilization used the second phase of manure and fertilizers (urea 20 grams / tree; TSP 10 grams / tree; and ZK 10 grams / tree), and K2O (112 kg / ha) in 4-month-old plants. Fertilization is also done with nitrogen fertilizer (60 kg / ha), P2O5 (50 kg / ha), and K2O (75 kg / ha). P fertilizer is given at the beginning of planting, fertilizer N and K are given at the beginning of the planting (1/3 dose) and the rest (2/3 dose) given at the time the plants are 2 months old and 4 months. Given the spread fertilizer evenly around the plant or in the form of a groove and planted on the sidelines of the plant.
5) Irrigation and watering: galangal plant does not require too much water to grow, but at the beginning of planting crops cultivated in the early rainy season around september.
6) When spraying pesticides: Pesticide spraying should be done from the time the storage of seeds for sowing and during maintenance. Spraying pesticides on the maintenance phase is usually mixed with a liquid organic fertilizer or vitamins that boost growth.Harvest
Harvest time simplisis galangal rhizome on the mark with the end of vegetative growth as the leaves showing symptoms of withering physiologically. In this case the rhizome has optimal size and age 10-12 months in land for galangal. Harvesting dilakuakn by dismantling the rhizome with a fork or cagkul careful not to be injured or damaged. Land attached to the rhizome in the clear clubbed slowly so that the ground regardless.Post-harvest

1) Laundering
Rhizome that has been removed stems, leaves and roots are then taken to wash. Rhizome soaked in the washing tub for 2-3 hours. Furthermore, the rhizome in the washing while sorted. Once clean, rhizomes immediately drain the shelves drainer for one day. Draining should be done in a room or place that is not exposed to direct sunlight.
2) trashes wont
Perajangan to facilitate drying galangal rhizome. If galangal about to be consumed in the fresh state perajangan not need to do. And rhizomes can be utilized immediately after washed and drained. Perajangan can use manual machine or chopper. Melintng slice direction so that cells containing the essential oil does not break. And the levels are not menmurun due to evaporation. Rhizome thick slices between 4-6 mm. To get the color and quality lengkus good, after perajangan galangal rhizome steamed with hot steam or immersion in boiling water for 1 hour before drying.

3) Drying
Drying galangal rhizome can use the direct sun, sunlight beretenaga dryer, in winds, or use a drying machine.
With the direct sunDrying is done in the direct sunlight. This system uses a little longer depending on the intensity and duration of exposure.
Penmgeringan by means of solar light energy.Still depends on light intensity and duration of exposure, but time is relatively short. To that end, the material spread out on a shelf dryer.
Drying machinesDrying machines besides faster also a higher quality result. It needs to be in perhatik late in drying with a dryer is the right drying temperature. For galangal rhizome should be used a drying temperature between 40-60 0c. the time it takes 3-4 days.
Rhizome good seed is the end. Tillage is done by loosening the soil and made mound-ridges. Fertilizers used include manure, compost and fertilizers. Also required chemicals to eradicate weeds. Harvesting is done at the time the plant was 2½ - 3 months, and do not be older than that age, because the rhizomes will contain coarse fibers are not preferred in the market.
Propagation of plants can use the ginger rhizome pieces are old and sprouted seedlings or rhizomes, and then broken down into several sections with 2-3 buds on each splinter or tailored to their needs plan. Old rhizome should be selected that weighs 50 grams, and uniform size. Rhizome can ditunaskan over 3- 5 layer of straw or reed reeds overlaid on the ground. Seeding can also be done on wooden shelves. Watering during seedling to sprout taken to maintain most of its rhizomes. Budding considered sufficient if all or most of the rhizomes eyes had grown 1- 2cm, usually 3-4 weeks old. After rhizome sprout or maintained subs 1-2 months, the growth of seedlings ready to be planted in the soil uniformly. For the process of seeding, land management, planting, maintenance until the harvesting depth is as follows:
Requirements seeds:quality seeds are seeds that meet the quality requirements of genetic, physiological quality (high percentage growth), and physical quality. What is meant by physical quality is a seed that is free of pests and diseases. Therefore the criteria must be met: (1) seed material taken directly from the garden (not market). (2) Selected seeds from plant materials that are old (aged 9-10 months). (3) Selected well as from healthy plants and rhizomes uninjured skin or blisters.
Seed seeding techniques: for the growth of plants simultaneously or uniform, the seedlings should not be planted immediately should first germinated. The planting can be done with a wooden crate or bed.
1) Seeding on a wooden crate
Newly harvested rhizome is dried while (not dry), then stored around 1-1.5 months. The rhizomes break by hand where each piece has 3-5 buds and dried over 1 / 2-1 day. The next piece of the seed will be packed into sacks beranyaman rarely, and then soaked in a solution of fungicide and growth regulator about 1 minute, then drain. After it is put into wooden crates. Do the seeding with a wooden crate as follows: at the bottom of the wooden coffin will be placed seed layer, then topped with ash or rice hulls, and so on so that most of the ash or the rice husk. After 2-4 weeks, the seed has been sown.
2) Seeding on the bed
Create a simple seeding house size 10 x 8 m to plant 1 ton (requirement of 1 ha). The seeding in the house made beds of hay as thick as 10 cm. Rhizome seeds will be arranged on beds of straw and hay were closed, and on it was given and given straw rhizomes anyway, and so on, so we get a 4-layer arrangement rhizome with the top in the form of straw. Treatment of seedlings in beds can be done by watering every day and occasionally sprayed with fungicide. After 2 weeks, usually rhizome sprout leaves. When the seeds sprout selected so as not to carry low-quality seeds. Seed selection results were dipatah-break by hand and each piece has 3-5 buds and weighs 40-60 grams.
3) Preparation of Seeds
Before planting, the seedlings should be freed from the threat of disease by means of seeds are put into sacks and dipped in a fungicide solution of approximately 8 hours. Then the seed is dried for 2-4 hours, then planted.
Land processing
1) Preparation of Land:To obtain optimum yields to be aware of the conditions needed to grow crops. When the acidity of the soil that is not in accordance with the acidity of the soil that plants need to be increased or decreased acidity with lime.
2) Clearing:Treatment begins with plowed soil depth less than 30 cm in order to get the loose soil conditions or crumbs and clearing weeds. After the land is left 2-4 weeks to allow toxic gases to evaporate and seedling diseases and pests will die in the sun. If at first soil tillage felt not too loose, then it can do the second tilling about 2-3 weeks before planting and also given a dose of manure 1500-2500 kg.
3) Establishment of Beds:In the areas of groundwater bad conditions and also to prevent waterlogging, soil should be processed into beds-size beds with a height of 20-30 cm, a width of 80-100 cm, while the length adapted to land conditions.
4) Liming:On land with low pH, most of the nutrients in it, especially phosphorus (P) and calcium (Ca) are not available or difficult to absorb. This acidic soil conditions can be a media development some disease-causing fungus Fusarium sp and Pythium sp. Liming also serves to add the element potassium indispensable plants to harden the woody parts of plants, stimulating the formation of root hairs, strengthens the cell walls of fruits and stimulate the formation of seeds.
· Degree of acidity <4 (the most acidic): needs dolomite> 10 tonnes / ha.· Degree of acidity 5 (acid): dolomite needs 5.5 tons / ha.· Degree of acidity 6 (slightly acidic): dolomite needs 0.8 tons / ha.

1) Determination of the pattern of the plant:Cultivation in monoculture in a particular area was considered quite reasonable, because it can provide high-production and production. But in the area, the cultivation of crops in monoculture less acceptable because it always result in losses. Planting intercropped with other crops have the following advantages:

Reduce the losses caused price fluctuations.
Mnekan labor costs, such as plant maintenance labor.
Improve land productivity.
Improved physical properties and preserved land due to low growth of weeds (weeds).

2) Pembutan planting hole:To avoid bad growth, due to the bad condition of the ground water, the soil should be processed into beds-beds. Next create small holes or grooves 3 to 7.5 cm deep to plant seeds.

3) Method of planting:Planting is done by attaching seed rhizomes in fall into the planting hole or groove that had been prepared.

4) The period of planting:Planting should be done at the beginning of the rainy season around September and October. This is possible because the young plants will need enough water for growth.Maintenance

1) Stitching:Approximately 2-3 weeks after planting, should be held checks to see dead rhizomes. If so should be implemented immediately in order to seed growth embroidery stitching was not far behind with other plants, it is better to choose a good seed rhizomes and proper maintenance.
2) Weeding:The first weeding is done when the plants aged 2-4 weeks followed 3-6 weeks. Depending on the condition of vegetation growing. However, after the age of 6-7 months, should not be done weeding again, because at that age rhizomes great start.

3) Pembubunan:Plants need soil air circulation and water can work well, then the ground should digemburkan. Besides, the goal pembubunan to hoard rhizome that sometimes appeared on the surface of the ground. If the plants are young, thin enough hoeing soil around the clump with a distance of approximately 30 cm. In the following month can be deepened and widened each time pembubunan gubidan be shaped and formed at the same irrigation system that serves to channel the excess water. Pembumbunan first performed at the time the plants form clumps consisting of 3-4 pseudo stem, generally pembubunan done 2-3 times during the life of the plant. However, depending on the soil conditions and the amount of rain.
4) Fertilization:a) Organic Fertilization: In organic agriculture that does not use chemicals, including fertilizers and drugs, then the organic fertilizer by using organic compost or manure carried out more frequently than if we use artificial fertilizers. The organic compost fertilizer is carried out in the early planting when creating ridges as basal fertilizer as much as 60-80 tonnes per hectare are stocked and mixed land preparations. To save the use of compost can also be done by way of filling each planting hole at the beginning of the planting of 0.5 - 1kg per plant. Fertilizer insertion is then performed at the age of 2-3 months, 4-6 months and 8-10 months. The insertion of fertilizers as much as 2-3 kg per plant. Giving compost is usually done after weeding activities and in conjunction with activities pembubunan.
b) conventional Fertilization: In addition to the basic fertilizer (at the beginning of the planting), the plants need to be given a second supplementary fertilizer (at 2-4 months old plants). Basic fertilizers used are organic fertilizers 15-20 tons / ha. Fertilization used the second phase of manure and fertilizers (urea 20 grams / tree; TSP 10 grams / tree; and ZK 10 grams / tree), and K2O (112 kg / ha) in 4-month-old plants. Fertilization is also done with nitrogen fertilizer (60 kg / ha), P2O5 (50 kg / ha), and K2O (75 kg / ha). P fertilizer is given at the beginning of planting, fertilizer N and K are given at the beginning of the planting (1/3 dose) and the rest (2/3 dose) given at the time the plants are 2 months old and 4 months. Given the spread fertilizer evenly around the plant or in the form of a groove and planted on the sidelines of the plant.
5) Irrigation and watering: galangal plant does not require too much water to grow, but at the beginning of planting crops cultivated in the early rainy season around september.
6) When spraying pesticides: Pesticide spraying should be done from the time the storage of seeds for sowing and during maintenance. Spraying pesticides on the maintenance phase is usually mixed with a liquid organic fertilizer or vitamins that boost growth.Harvest
Harvest time simplisis galangal rhizome on the mark with the end of vegetative growth as the leaves showing symptoms of withering physiologically. In this case the rhizome has optimal size and age 10-12 months in land for galangal. Harvesting dilakuakn by dismantling the rhizome with a fork or cagkul careful not to be injured or damaged. Land attached to the rhizome in the clear clubbed slowly so that the ground regardless. 
1) LaunderingRhizome that has been removed stems, leaves and roots are then taken to wash. Rhizome soaked in the washing tub for 2-3 hours. Furthermore, the rhizome in the washing while sorted. Once clean, rhizomes immediately drain the shelves drainer for one day. Draining should be done in a room or place that is not exposed to direct sunlight.
2) trashes wontPerajangan to facilitate drying galangal rhizome. If galangal about to be consumed in the fresh state perajangan not need to do. And rhizomes can be utilized immediately after washed and drained. Perajangan can use manual machine or chopper. Melintng slice direction so that cells containing the essential oil does not break. And the levels are not menmurun due to evaporation. Rhizome thick slices between 4-6 mm. To get the color and quality lengkus good, after perajangan galangal rhizome steamed with hot steam or immersion in boiling water for 1 hour before drying.
3) DryingDrying galangal rhizome can use the direct sun, sunlight beretenaga dryer, in winds, or use a drying machine.
With the direct sunDrying is done in the direct sunlight. This system uses a little longer depending on the intensity and duration of exposure.
Pengeringan by means of solar light energy.Still depends on light intensity and duration of exposure, but time is relatively short. To that end, the material spread out on a shelf dryer.
Drying machinesDrying machines besides faster also a higher quality result. It needs to be in perhatik late in drying with a dryer is the right drying temperature. For galangal rhizome should be used a drying temperature between 40-60 0c. the time it takes 3-4 days.

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