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Tuesday 15 December 2015

April 7

I’ve been feeling a little under the weather for the past few days, but I wanted to pop in. I promise not to breathe on you.

June is going to be seven months old on April 9, this Tuesday, which would have been my dad’s 84th birthday. Brandon says that she has my eyes, and if it’s true, then she has my dad’s eyes, because that’s where I got mine.

She and I are flying to Oklahoma City on Wednesday, to visit my mother. June’s first trip to my hometown, to the house where I grew up! It feels like a big deal. But if you’re on our plane, I would like to apologize in advance: June is chatty, and by chatty, I actually mean screechy, shrieky, chirpy, gargly, and generally deafening. It’s totally adorable, and then you lose your hearing.

In any case, we were roughhousing in the living room this afternoon, before Brandon went to work, and I took these pictures. I don’t know how to explain it, but June is developing a real sense of humor. She’s a very funny person. Or maybe I’m just amused because I am her mother. Probably. I’m going soft.

I have a cream cheese pound cake recipe to share with you shortly, as soon as I can type it up - before I leave, I hope! - but in the meantime, some nice things for your Monday:

I always appreciate what Sarah has to say.

Mr. Rogers + a rad breakdancing kid = yesssssss (via Youngna).

I would like to someday cook like Margot Henderson, and I’d like to live in her house, while I’m at it. 

Sarah Farr of Harbor Herbalist blends excellent teas, and her monthly tea subscription is brilliant.

Back soon.

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