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Thursday 10 December 2015

Dadar Unti Coconut Roll

It has long been the intention really want to make pancakes rolled in coconut unti again after months ga make. But deferred, until then finally forgotten. Until then a few days ago diniatin make, all want to be photographed for the deposit. I had to make a mo with colorful skin so let bright cheerful omelet. But apparently not as strong desire malesnya. Be cuman make just one original color, green pandan, heheu ..
This makes the skin omelet yesterday gulungnya use prescription of mba Ricke. But the contents are approx. I use brown sugar all want because the color brown. But Keith Brown also turned out to taste the sweetness already enough, so I ga add more sugar Javanese. The results are so brown and white guns also guns, hihi .. The important thing feels already fit
Friends monggo adjusts individual taste well. If you want white unti, replace Javanese sugar use granulated sugar all. If you want the duo combined sugar and sugar also monggo.
Btw, among these photographs there are two photos taken with the phone to my deposit. Can you guess which one? must immediately be yes, because very plasticity. Well, it's important ga, ignore it.
Let slid into the recipe ..
Dadar Unti Coconut Roll
Material Leather
250 gr flour multipurpose / protein being
1/2 teaspoon salt
2 eggs, beaten off
700 ml thin coconut milk cooked
taste pasta pandan
margarine to spread Teflon omelet
How to make:
1. Mix the flour and salt and then insert it into the container. Make a hole in the middle and then enter the beaten egg and milk. Mix well
2. Heat teflon size of 18-20 cm, rub with a little margarine (while at the beginning of course). Pour a spoonful of vegetable and roll. Cook until the surface is no longer moist, not sticky to the touch. Remove and repeat until the dough runs
So kulitnyabisa pockmarks skin typical omelet, teflon must have been really hot when the batter is poured.
Material contents
200 gr dry grated coconut
100 gr sugar
3/4 teaspoon salt
100 ml water
1/4 tsp vanilla powder
How to make
1. Heat the water, sugar and salt + vanilla powder. Continue stirring until the sugar dissolves. Enter dried grated coconut. Stir well until the oil to absorb water. Can add more water if it is less.
Coconut unti not too wet and not too dry. Taste, lift
Take a piece of skin, fill with unti then fold and roll.

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