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Monday 7 December 2015


Papaya leaves is very good at helping take care of the sense of sight. Papaya leaves contain vitamin A as much as 18,250 SI (international units). This amount is more than the vitamin A contained in carrots vegetables that claimed the most severe in terms of taking care of the sense of sight, which only some 12,000 SI. In addition, the content carposide in papaya leaves, has been known to help cure people who are suffering from intestinal worms.

Behind it there is a bitter taste Carpein substances. Carpein on the leaves of papaya, was first discovered by Dr. Gresfoff, of Batavia (now Jakarta) in 1890. Further studies on the chances carpein as medicine for heart disease, conducted by Dr. Von Oefele in 1893, although the results are not very encouraging.

As for some of the benefits of papaya leaves for health are as follows:

1. Acne Medication
Did agan, papaya leaves also can overcome the stubborn acne?
Way, take 2-3 pieces of old papaya leaves. Dry in the sun for a while and then mash until smooth. After that, add a half teaspoon of water. Then apply the mixture on the face affected by acne as masks. Take a few moments, then rinse thoroughly.

2. Increase Appetite
For children efficacy and benefits of papaya leaves is very good to increase appetite, especially for children who are difficult to eat.
Way, take a fresh papaya leaves has a size of the palm of the hand, add a little salt and half a cup of warm water. Mix everything in a blender and then, after finishing strain the water, and the water is what gives efficacy papaya very good to increase appetite.

3. Anti-Cancer
Cancer is indeed one of the deadly disease, and the efficacy of papaya leaves is believed to be able to prevent cancer, because papaya contains milky white sap or also called Latex Milky White. The white sap can be developed as an anti-cancer, and the white sap that gives the benefits of papaya leaves, and we will get when we consume papaya leaves are cooked or by other processes.

4. Streamlining Digestive
Eating boiled papaya leaves either eaten with or without other complementary foods can help facilitate digestion. This is because there is a substance in the leaves of papaya karpain, a type of chemical content that can kill microorganisms that interfere with digestion. To get maximum results, you should regularly eat papaya leaves boiled every day for several days.

5. Control Blood Pressure
Efficacy and benefits of papaya leaves are also very good for stabilizing blood pressure, especially for patients with high blood pressure.
How, to prepare 5 papaya leaves, then boiled with a mixture of water and a half liter. Cooked until the water leaving three quarters, after completion allow the water to cool, then you can add honey as a sweetener water that papaya leaf.
In addition to efficacy papaya mentioned earlier, the efficacy papaya also still exist as the content of dietary fiber in papaya leaves can lower cholesterol, prevent aterosklersosis and also prevent heart disease. Efficacy and benefits of papaya leaves are also very good to support the diet program that we are run. And for women who are breastfeeding, benefits of papaya leaves are also very good to help smooth milk.

6. Drugs Dysmenorrhea
For women efficacy papaya leaves are also very good to relieve pain during menstruation.
The trick is to take one papaya leaves, then add tamarind and salt, and mixed with a glass of water and then boiled. Then take the water, add 2 tablespoons of honey and stir. Refrigerate ramun papaya leaves are then drink.

7. Dengue Drugs
Efficacy of papaya leaves are also very good for treating the symptoms of dengue fever.
Way, take 5 young papaya leaves, then add half a liter of water and boil until the residual three quarters, then add a little salt, 2 tablespoons honey, and drink while warm. Make the morning, afternoon and before bed until the symptoms of dengue fever recover.

8. As softeners Meat
Papaya leaves can be rubbed directly on the surface of the meat. Rubbing the leaves on the meat is intended for sap (latex) contained in the leaves that come out, and then into the meat.

9. Young Papaya Leaf for Diabetes or Diabetes
Efficacy young papaya leaves are also very good for treating Diabetes or Diabetes

1-3 pieces young papaya leaves.
2-5 pieces of betel meet sinews.

How to make:
Pound papaya leaves and betel leaf veins meet until smooth, then give half a glass of water, then squeeze and strain. Then drink the concoction twice a day, morning and evening.

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