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Saturday 31 October 2015

Benefits and How Eclipta Prostrata Cultivation

Eclipta prostrata cultivation
Stemmed many kinds of wild plants, grown in the open like in the street, terrain, roadside ditches, from the shore to a height of 1,500 m. above the sea level. Plant height reaches 80 cm., Grow upright position sometimes lie. Round rod brownish green, slightly rough-haired white. Leaf green elongated ovoid shape, pointed leaf tips, finely serrated edge, or nearly flat, second-haired leaf surface, feels a bit rough. Compound interest hump-shaped small white color. The fruit is elongated, flat, hard and hairy.

Local Name:
Goman, urang aring (Java), te-lenteyan (Madura) ,; Leaves carpenter, keremak Janten (Sumatra), leaves ink (Banda); Mo han lian (China) .;

Curable Disease:
Vomiting blood, nosebleeds, blood urine, dysentery, hepatitis; Diarrhea, uterine bleeding, malnutrition, Whitish, graying;

Utilization :

PART USED: Whole plant, fresh or dried.
1. Stop the bleeding vomiting blood (hematemesis), coughing up blood (hemoptoe), nosebleeds (epistaxis), blood urine (hematuria), dysentery (melena), uterine bleeding (uterine bleeding).
2. Chronic hepatitis, diarrhea,
3. malnutrition in children (infantile malnutrition).
4. Whitish (leucorrhoe),
5. graying hair (gray hair) at a young age.
6. Neurasthenia.

USAGE: 30-120 grams of fresh. Dried or powdered.

Fresh herbs crushed affixed to the sick or
fresh herbs boiled, to wash in: eczema, tinea pedis (mushrooms), ulceration (including sores on the head), bleeding wounds, swollen gums, hair fertilizer.

1. Swollen gums:
Fresh baked until dry, powdered (with treatment). Apply the powder to the sore spot.

2. Fertilising hair:
1 handful of crushed leaves of Eclipta alba, plus 2 cups water, strain. The filtered water is condensed one night.
How to use: scalp moistened with a massage, once a day.

3. sores on the head:
Eclipta alba taste boiled water to wash the head, the waste is rubbed into sores. Fresh herbs or crushed, the juice applied to sores.

1. Discharge:
30 grams of Eclipta alba plus fresh juice (broth) steamed chicken, drink.

2. Nosebleed:
1 handful fresh Eclipta alba washed, then crushed, squeezed. 5 shot of the juice plus water, steamed so hot. Drink 2 times a day, after meals.

3. Diarrhea: 30 grams of Eclipta alba fresh boiled, drinking.

4. Coughing up blood:
60 grams of Eclipta alba fresh crushed, squeezed. Water distillation brewed warm water, drinking.

5. Vomiting blood:
120 grams of fresh herbs crushed, the juice plus urine of young children to taste, drink.

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