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Saturday 31 October 2015

Benefits and How Eclipta Prostrata Cultivation

Eclipta prostrata cultivation
Stemmed many kinds of wild plants, grown in the open like in the street, terrain, roadside ditches, from the shore to a height of 1,500 m. above the sea level. Plant height reaches 80 cm., Grow upright position sometimes lie. Round rod brownish green, slightly rough-haired white. Leaf green elongated ovoid shape, pointed leaf tips, finely serrated edge, or nearly flat, second-haired leaf surface, feels a bit rough. Compound interest hump-shaped small white color. The fruit is elongated, flat, hard and hairy.

Local Name:
Goman, urang aring (Java), te-lenteyan (Madura) ,; Leaves carpenter, keremak Janten (Sumatra), leaves ink (Banda); Mo han lian (China) .;

Curable Disease:
Vomiting blood, nosebleeds, blood urine, dysentery, hepatitis; Diarrhea, uterine bleeding, malnutrition, Whitish, graying;

Utilization :

PART USED: Whole plant, fresh or dried.
1. Stop the bleeding vomiting blood (hematemesis), coughing up blood (hemoptoe), nosebleeds (epistaxis), blood urine (hematuria), dysentery (melena), uterine bleeding (uterine bleeding).
2. Chronic hepatitis, diarrhea,
3. malnutrition in children (infantile malnutrition).
4. Whitish (leucorrhoe),
5. graying hair (gray hair) at a young age.
6. Neurasthenia.

USAGE: 30-120 grams of fresh. Dried or powdered.

Fresh herbs crushed affixed to the sick or
fresh herbs boiled, to wash in: eczema, tinea pedis (mushrooms), ulceration (including sores on the head), bleeding wounds, swollen gums, hair fertilizer.

1. Swollen gums:
Fresh baked until dry, powdered (with treatment). Apply the powder to the sore spot.

2. Fertilising hair:
1 handful of crushed leaves of Eclipta alba, plus 2 cups water, strain. The filtered water is condensed one night.
How to use: scalp moistened with a massage, once a day.

3. sores on the head:
Eclipta alba taste boiled water to wash the head, the waste is rubbed into sores. Fresh herbs or crushed, the juice applied to sores.

1. Discharge:
30 grams of Eclipta alba plus fresh juice (broth) steamed chicken, drink.

2. Nosebleed:
1 handful fresh Eclipta alba washed, then crushed, squeezed. 5 shot of the juice plus water, steamed so hot. Drink 2 times a day, after meals.

3. Diarrhea: 30 grams of Eclipta alba fresh boiled, drinking.

4. Coughing up blood:
60 grams of Eclipta alba fresh crushed, squeezed. Water distillation brewed warm water, drinking.

5. Vomiting blood:
120 grams of fresh herbs crushed, the juice plus urine of young children to taste, drink.

Thursday 29 October 2015

Recipes and How To Make A Japanese Takoyaki Cuisine

Recipes and How To Make A Japanese Takoyaki Cuisine. Apparently, making takoyaki Japanese-style cuisine is fairly easy to know the mother .. Provided've got a mold for making takoyaki. Toping in it also was very good if divariasiakan with calamari, chicken, cheese, sausages, and so on according to taste.

Curious how do I make takoyaki the Japanese-style super duper delicious? Let's follow this tutorial the following cooking.

The equipment should be prepared
1. The mold or molds round takoyaki
2. Brush oil
3. Sticks or toothpick
 Materials and Serving
- Of wheat flour 175 grams
- Egg yolks 2 eggs
- Egg 1 egg
- of liquid broth 4,350 ml
- Baking powder 1/2 teaspoon
- Salt 1/4 teaspoon
- Right amount of oil
- Squid, octopus, or toping provided 100 grams
- Leeks 1 stick
- Mayonnaise Moderation
- Moderation okonomiyaki sauce
- Katsuobushi taste

Tutorial How to Make Takoyaki:

Beat the eggs and egg yolk before pouring the liquid broth little by little. Stir until evenly mixed.
B ahan2 such Combine flour, baking powder, and salt into the mixture until thickened and well blended.
Heat the mold Takoyaki and do not forget smeared with oil, then pour the batter until half mold.
Enter toping pieces and aonori or leeks, pour flour dough again fortunately covers the takoyaki, and close the mold.
Cook until the dough looks have developed and turn the takoyaki using a stick. Make sure takoyaki perfectly round shape.
Once cooked, place on a serving plate takoyaki. Sprinkle mayonnaise, okonomiyaki sauce, and Katsuobushi before serving.

Make this recipe blog as your favorite blog. And if you've got a recipe your work, just send us your story HERE. Your recipe will be published in this blog know ..! : D

Saturday 17 October 2015

Refreshing Dish

The long dry season makes us hot. Day or night air was hot, so we wanted a drink or food that makes us mak cleeeeees, seger once. Master Chef TV will be presenting dishes that menyegerkan. Among them: Delicious Ice Cendol Jellies, Ice Cream Pudding shaking and Nata de Coco. Certainly the the curious boutiques ....... Please see the recipe in the kitchen mother Thank you for visiting our blog. By Master Chef TV

Special Recipes Tekwan

Recipes How to Make Delicious and Easy Tekwan. Mother cooking time oke .. This time we try to make tekwan huh? Yes, tekwan known as a delicious soup that you know ..!

Ehh, talking about tekwan, it turns out these snacks have some variation of, you know, the Bund. There is a genuine tekwan palembang, and there is also a modern tekwan already developed and modified from the original. Well, that we will create this time was a combination of both, and not leave the aesthetic authenticity tekwan delicious

As we know this is usually the dough stuffing Tekwan tuberose flowers dry, sanrai ebi, fish rounded, mushroom, or peeled shrimp, jicama, and vermicelli. And we will use this material in part.
Materials and Serving
meat mackerel 100 gr
1 tbsp corn starch
salt 2 tsp
mushroom 2 lbr
cooking oil 2 tbsp
garlic4 cloves
dried ebi 1 tbsp
Tuberose flower belt 8 dried 
Yam 50 grams
Flavoring Moderation
Water 800 ml
Supplementary material
Glass noodles and fried onion
How to cook:Thinly sliced mushroom, cut into matchsticks sized jicama, chopped dried shrimp and garlic and set aside.
Mix the fish, ½ teaspoon salt, flavoring flavor and sago flour, set aside.
Heat oil, put chopped dried shrimp, chopped garlic. Then stir-fry until fragrant, add water, 1 ½ tsp salt, and flavorings. Cook until boiling.
Put the mixture mackerel spoonful after spoonful until dough tekwan exhausted. Next add the water chestnuts, mushroom and tuberose flower-cooked and well blended.
Serve artificial Tekwan mother while warm, do not forget to give glass noodles and a sprinkling of fried onions. Yummi

Yummi, Recipes and Easy Ways to Make Tekwan Typical Palembang Simple Seasoning was ready made. Let's Make this recipe blog as your favorite blog. And if you've got a recipe your work, just send us your story HERE. Your recipe will be published in this blog know ..! Do not forget to Share ya ..? : *

Friday 16 October 2015

Recipes Nugget Potatoes and Special Abon

Recipes and How to Make Shredded Potato Nugget - Hi mother, never tried to make nuggets? If the mother has been made, at best made of meat and fish nuggets .. Yeah right?

Well, what if the materials to make these nuggets instead of meat and fish, but from potato ?. Definitely a recipe nuggets that will be distributed this time the mother had never tried yes, but also delicious and tasty, you know. What kind of recipes and how to make her nugget? Let's refer to the following recipe:

Ingredients and Seasonings and Serving
Steamed red potatoes mashed 200 gr
Seasoned flour 1 bks
Shredded beef 20 gr
White sesame 50 g
Water for embedding sesame 100 ml

How to Cook it:
Prepare a container pot, enter Sajiku® Flour Condiments, and red potatoes. Stir by hand until all ingredients are well blended.
Take the potato dough that is so, fill it with shredded, then shape into like diamonds and pipihkan. Do this until all the dough is finished materials.
Bolster-roll dough shredded potato nuggets finished into the water, then roll-roll the dough up again sesame.
Heat oil and fry until the dough is golden brown shredded nuggets. Remove and serve.

Very easy right recipe and how to make nuggetnya? Make this recipe blog as your favorite blog yes bund. And if you've got a recipe your work, just send us your story HERE. Your recipe will be published in this blog know ..! Do not Forget to Share yah ..: *

Wednesday 14 October 2015

Wooow, said Doctor: Here's How to Exterminate Acne Through White Rice, Why Can?

Rice is the staple food consumed by the people of Indonesia. Although generally rice consumed is white, there are also varieties of rice that have color pigments such as red rice, brown rice, and black rice.The content contained on white rice is very diverse, including thiamin, niacin, folic acid, and iron. While brown rice has the extra added fiber. Besides being a source of power, white rice also has a high sugar content.Moreover, if consumed too much and not accompanied by sufficient exercise, the level of glucose in the blood will be increased so as to trigger a person's risk of developing diabetes.It is difficult to change the mindset of the people about rice. In fact, until there is a joke that 'not eaten name if not eaten rice'. White rice does taste better than brown rice, potatoes, wheat, or corn.But, you know by changing your staple diet of white rice will reduce the risk for developing diabetes even acne?Yes, pimples that appear on your face is not only influenced by environmental or hormonal factors, but also dietary factors.Eating rice, for example, is able to increase the amount of insulin in the body that trigger inflammation and stimulates the release of hormones acne.To help get rid of acne, you should replace high glycemic carbohydrates (white rice, potatoes, wheat bread, cornflakes, and others) with a lower glycemic, eat more protein from meat, cheese, or beans.If you usually eat 1 cup of white rice with some chicken and vegetables, reduce to ¼ cup of white rice with vegetable servings more.If you like sushi, you can switch to sashimi or sushi. Change pudding with unsweetened yogurt.Via: klikdokter.com

Monday 12 October 2015

4 Tips on How to cook without MSG Still Tasty and Delicious

Healthy Kitchen Tips. Hi beautiful mother, If you think about it cook is not easy huh? A lot of my friends who have a hobby of cooking, but some are not like cooking because the results masakanya less tasty. Many of them eventually decided to use the shortcut that results masakanya remain savory, using MSG or flavoring ingredients in dishes they make.

Yet as we know, this MSG materials containing hazardous substances to health if consumed too much. Then, how to tips for masakanya still tasty without using flavorings? Let bund refer to the following cooking tips, as reported by vemale.com some time ago.

- First thing to do is to sort out the mother and choose the ingredients fresh food and make sure it has good quality. Although the mother's life seasoning complete and tasty, but if the material to be processed not fresh cooking results became less palatable.

- Second is the dose seasoning. Seasoning that will be used to be really fit bund. Noteworthy is not carelessly adding salt in cooking mother. It would be more appropriate if the provision of salt in cooking should be slightly early when ripe. If cooking dirasan less fit, can the mother to add little by little until it fit.

- Tips to cook the third is to add a little sugar in the mother cook cuisine. The addition of a little sugar is used to add flavor and accentuate the flavors of the dishes if the mother.

- Tips Fourth. Do not forget ya mother to taste her cooking, whether it is right or not. Masakanya if there are less fit, then the mother can add flavor little by little until the cuisine is absolutely perfect mother.

Remember the mother, cook without using MSG and flavorings that the result will be a healthier you know. Hopefully these healthy tips useful for many people yes mother .. Let's Share to another friend's apartment ..!